Crop to Cup Series - Meet Michael from Ozone

Crop to Cup Series - Meet Michael from Ozone

Meet Michael, a face you might well recognise from Ozone Coffee. We chat about sustainability, wellbeing and community - the pillars of what make us love hospitality so much!

Hi Michael! Could you start by telling us a bit about who you are and what role you play at Ozone? We hear you’ve been a part of the team for quite some time!

Kia ora! I am currently a Senior Account Manager for Ozone Coffee. I have been a part of the team since 2016 where I began my journey as a Barista in our Bean Store in New Plymouth

What’s one of your favourite things about working at Ozone?
It’s 100% the people! The amazing and inspiring team members, our loyal wholesale customers, the smiling faces in our eateries, and the stellar suppliers we get to work with! It is such a rewarding experience to be surrounded by these individuals each day!

Ozone has a really inspiring approach to sustainability – could you share a bit more about how this plays out in your day-to-day operations?

Thanks! Sustainability is a core value at Ozone, and we’re always striving to enhance it across every aspect of our business.

We’re proud to be B-Corp certified, which underscores our commitment to sustainability. Right now, we’re undergoing re-certification and are working hard to improve on our 2022 score!

In our eateries, sustainability shines through with ambitious targets like achieving less than 5% food waste and sourcing 95% of our products locally.

But sustainability at Ozone goes beyond the environment—it’s also about people. We’re a Living Wage employer, dedicated to employee wellbeing, and actively support our local communities. By prioritising these values, we aim to be a truly sustainable business and a force for good.

In your experience, what’s one of the best pieces of advice you've received about working in hospitality?

"You can't pour from an empty cup—prioritise your rest, nutrition, and mental health."

Hospo can be incredibly demanding, with long hours and high-pressure situations. Making sure you get enough rest, eat well, and take time to decompress, helps prevent burnout and allows you to show up as your best self for both your team and your guests.

Looking at the year ahead, what’s something you’re most excited about, whether it’s for Ozone or on a personal level?

I’m excited about the continuation of the incredible events we saw in 2024. From a variety of cuppings and tastings to dynamic brewing competitions like the Hario V60 Brewing Champs, 2025 is shaping up to be an exhilarating year for coffee enthusiasts!

And lastly, if you could only drink one coffee or tea for the rest of your life, what would it be? And why?

It’s got to be a washed Colombian single origin coffee served as a filter brew. The washed process brings out clean, bright flavors, and Colombian beans are known for their incredible notes of citrus and caramel, which I can't resist!

You will regularly find me sipping a brew of Ozone’s own El Yalcon single origin from Colombia on the regular, I absolutely adore its beautiful sweetness and balanced cup that it provides!