Ripe Deli

We ran our first Kawhe For Koha event with Ripe Deli @ripedeli
For over 20 years, Angela at Ripe Deli has been making delicious, healthy meals and writing wonderful cookbooks. Along the way, she has also supported The Kindness Institute (@thekindnessinstitute ), Ripe's chosen non-profit.
A huge thanks to Angela and the Ripe team for their mahi, raising some funds for a very worthy organisation. If you didn't manage to make it down for a coffee and are in the holiday spirit of giving, you can jump over to their page here @thekindnessinstitute and click through to donate.
Read a few Q & A's with Angela below:
Hi Angela, can you let the people know Ripe’s offering and reason for being? We offer delicious home-made food in a casual, friendly environment – to make people feel cherished, cared for and very welcome.
Besides caffeine, what gets you out of bed in the morning? I love mornings, I am lucky I get 30 mins to myself where I have time to often just sit and ponder. Then its kids and Ripe …..working with such a fabulous team has an exciting energy about it which is so lovely to be part of!
Thank you for being a part of Kawhe for Koha, could you tell us a little about the charity you’ve chosen and why? I heard Kristina Cavit being interviewed on National radio a few years ago and was fully aligned with all the work she was doing with The Kindness Institute. Opening awareness and raising consciousness with youngsters to make us aware of the power of the stories we can be telling ourselves, which can create so much suffering, is the way forward to bring about a better planet. I offered food as a way of supporting them on their retreats and it’s been an honour to work with them.
2023 is just around the corner, what are you hopeful for in our next spin around the sun? A year for the team after the Covid times to be more settled, for us to work on our sustainability plan, to have fun and enjoy this beautiful planet we are so blessed to live on!